Add Nofollow Links To WordPress Navigation Menu Items

How To Add NoFollow Links To WordPress Navigation Menu Items?

HTML is an interesting language and every time you try to develop something, you would want it.

Many people have a question in their mind about the external links they add to their website.

Though you can easily add nofollow links to all the external links which are present in the posts and pages but the problem is with the menu items.

What would you do to add nofollow links to WordPress navigation menu items? That’s what you’re here to find out.

In this tutorial, you will the easiest guide which doesn’t contain any plugin or coding.

You can handle it from your admin panel only.

Adding NoFollow Links Without Any Coding Is Simple.

A few people get scared of the codes.

It’s because people know that a small wrong code can break their website. So now, no need to worry about. Just login to your WordPress admin panel and you’re ready to go.

Go to Appearance>>Menus.

Choose the menu you want to edit. You all see the “Screen Options” in the top-right corner of the screen. Yes, that’s it. Click to that button.

You will find many options including “Link target” and “Link Relationship (XFN)”. Check the boxes.

Now is the time to choose the menu you want to edit.

If you want to add any new menu item then do it from the left list. I am sure, you know how to create navigation menu in WordPress.

If you want to add the nofollow tag to the existing menu items then choose it.

Just click to any of them and you will find the two options you just activated.

Click on the checkbox to open the link in the new tab so that whenever your readers open that external link, it opens in a new place.

In front of “Link Relationships“, add “nofollow” and you’re done.

You have successfully added the nofollow tag to the external links of your WordPress menu.

How would you check if it’s done?

Well, there is a simple solution for that.

If you’re a developer then you would know how to inspect the element. There is a simple method. Just take your cursor to the menu item and right click.

Choose “inspect element” and you will see the exact code of the menu item.

There will be rel=”nofollow” tag in the link tag. It means you have successfully done your job.

Isn’t That Easy To Add NoFollow Links To WordPress Navigation Menu Items?

People get afraid for no reason.

As you can see, you don’t need to engage with the codes and no extra plugin, just the simple use of your WordPress admin panel.

If you’re a developer then you can also add nofollow links to WordPress navigation menu items using the codes. Just use the WordPress theme files.

For beginners, the above-explained is the best method. Do you want to try?

If you found this tutorial helpful, connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi

    Your each tip is equally beneficial for both techie and non-techie people. That is why your followers base is so diverse that every type of online marketers love to be here for more unique info.

    You explained it so simply that no further question I need to ask because everything is clear to me.

    Many thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Muba,

      Every type of person needs such guides. Many people get afraid of the techie things but here I present the easiest way so that anyone can have the solution of the problems.

      I am glad that you found it helpful.

      Thanks for your support.


  2. Hey Ravi,

    You always comes with effective tutorials with great screen shot – these combination makes very simple to understand whole mechanism of topic. Many of blogger and web master want to add a nofollow tag to all external links. After by your article it become quite simple for us to add Nofollow attribute to links in wordpress.

    But before implementation, we need to make sure about what the nofollow tag is for and this can be serious concern to placing it across our navigation links to search engine rankings. Nofollow attribute is mainly for the search engines to not pass any page rank from the select link. Eventually, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

    With best regards,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      For most of the external links, webmasters prefer to add the nofollow tag. No one wants to pass the juice.

      But in the navigation menu, it seems tricky but in reality, it’s so simple.

      Thanks for sharing your views.

      Have a great day.


  3. Hi Ravi,

    Although I know all about NoFollow links going away from my site, what about those staying internally? Isn’t it good for SEO to have those within our own site DoFollow? Just curious. I do love the tutorial though! Thanks for teaching me something new!


    1. Hey Bren,

      Nofollow tag is only added to the links which are external. You don’t need to worry about your internal links. It’s like worrying about your own home. Don’t need.

      Just use it for the external links.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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